Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Faculty of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


The Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) as one of the qualitative research methods is a set of techniques used to analyze and clarify textual data. In the subject literature, several processes have been introduced to implement this approach, since the variety and multiplicity of used steps, have made it difficult to select the appropriate process. Due to the lack of observation of a study that explores and summarizes various processes, here, along with introducing and reviewing some of the most important presented processes, by summarizing and refining the steps used, an improved process framework for implementing it is presented. In order to provide an improved process framework, the Meta Synthesis method (MSM) has been used. The proposed process framework that consists of six main steps and sixteen sub-steps, as compared with other common processes, takes advantages such as having the helpful steps and sub-steps used in previous processes, eliminating unnecessary sub-steps, more specific sequencing between steps and sub-steps, and finally, creating two-way relationships and giving feedback between steps that enhance the simplification, flexibility and reliability of the process and its findings. Subsequently, as a case study, in the process of developing strategic planning of Payame Noor University, in the development of directional pillars, the related upstream documents were analyzed using the proposed process and the results were approved by the team of related experts.


Main Subjects

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